Intensive Chart Auditing Practicums                        


The Intensive Chart Auditing Practicum was designed for both the experienced auditor, for those desiring to move into the health care auditing arena and for compliance professionals. Please note, you MUST bring your  current years CPT (AMA Version) and current ICD-10-CM Book for the CHCA, CHCAS, CHCAF and CHCRA exams. You may also purchase these from AHCAE at a discounted rate however you must let us know in advance.

Auditing is essential for medical record and coding compliance proof. Gain knowledge and learn with hands on experience from a team of nationally recognized auditors and educators. This one of a kind program has been a collaborative effort developed by the Association of Health Care Auditors and Educators and is designed to provide critical elements needed for accurate medical record chart auditing.

The schedule is updated periodically and subject to change. Below is a partial schedule, plus this program (or sessions within) is approved for up to 35 CEUs by various organizations and is formatted for a 3- 5 day program (CHCA) with the certification exam on the following day.  The Surgical Chart Auditing Practicum is 3 days with the CHCAS exam the afternoon of day 3. The HCC Intensive Risk Auditor Practicum is 3 days with the CHCRA exam on day 3 afternoon. The AMA ICD-10-CM book and the AMAs Risk Adjustment Documentation & Coding resources are included with this training. 


Intensive Chart Auditing Practicums!




Private practicum sessions ongoing. Public training dates inquire at [email protected].


Practicum /Training - Registration


Intensive Chart Auditing Practicum (CHCA)
Updated training includes E/M rule changes

Virtual sessions, weekly for 4 weeks!  


HCC - Risk Auditing Practicum (CHCRA)

Virtual sessions, weekly for 3 weeks!

Intensive Chart Auditing Practicum (CHCAF)

Outpatient Facility!  Live and Live virtual!

Virtual sessions, weekly for 3 weeks!


Intensive Chart Auditing Practicum -Surgical (CHCAS)

Virtual sessions, weekly for 3 weeks!









Email [email protected] for an onsite or city request!

Additional non-published dates may be available, contact [email protected]     


    The AHCAE is committed to bringing auditing standards to a new and consistent level.  

These practicums are also an essential element in assisting for preparation of the Certified Healthcare Chart Auditor (CHCA); Certified Healthcare Chart Auditor-Facility (CHCAF); and Certified Healthcare Chart Auditor-Surgical (CHCAS) exams and, the CHCRA - Certified Healthcare Risk Auditor (the only certified Risk Adjustment auditing credential). CEUs by various organizations will vary as certain sessions/topics may be approved or excluded. These practicums may also assist in preparation for other exams. Here are just a few key points our audit team will teach you (certain areas will vary dependent on the practicum type);


  • What the OIG (Office of Inspector General) is looking for when investigating physicians and facilities through audits
  • Compliance plans require auditing and monitoring. Learn what your practice / facility needs to perform this critical step
  • How to determine your audit scope, define your audit parameters and create a valid statistical sampling utilizing the governmental RATSTATS program
  • Build your skill level through auditing principles and application by dissecting various (hand written, electronic, template driven, etc.) medical record documentation formats for determining accuracy of pertinent levels and other types of documented services.
  • Go away with correct interpretation and application of CMS regulations, the Evaluation and Management Documentation Guidelines AND, the EM changes!
  • Explore and become familiar with pertinent regulatory information critical to accurate and compliant auditing. Understand the audit process from start to report development and delivery
  • Essential communication skills for the auditor will be taught to assist you in explaining and backing up your results from a private and regulatory perspective
  • OIG imposed CIA (Corporate Integrity Agreements) and the required audit parameters and reporting processes
  • RAC (Recovery Audit Contractors) audits are ongoing across the United States - learn what you need to know
  • CERT (Comprehensive Error Rate Testing) direct from CMS carriers, get the birds eye view so you can be prepared for changes
  •  Networking and breakout, audit round tables to dissect and discuss various case examples will allow attendee's additional hands-on auditing and reporting experience and much, much more!

Comprehensive Chart Audit Tool Kit

Besides the live, in-person 2, 3 or 4-day intensive training with our expert audit team, you’ll  also receive everything an auditor needs with your comprehensive chart auditing resources. You’ll be able to use these tools when you get back to your office to start auditing immediately!

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